30 minutes

February 15, 2017

Start timer…

Sun shining, birds chirping, ducks splashing, wind beating the house (seriously chill out!). What a time to be alive!

Do you know what I did today?

Today amongst other things (absolutely nothing important or exciting) I vacuumed my lab coat.
Like actually! In the process of vacuuming my room I had the somewhat brilliant idea to try vacuuming my lab coat. So down onto the floor and under the vacuum head it went. It was surprisingly effective…

Why do you ask?

Because the lint build up from the last time I washed it was so horrific that something had to be done. I don’t think I have ever seen such a rainbow of little bits of fluff on any other plain white garment ever. That and the only lint rollers left in the house are the reusable ones that need washing in warm soapy water to regain their stick and are currently so clogged that they no longer collect any lint at all (my fault but I don’t actually trust that they’ll get their stick back anyhow).

And also because it's almost that time of year again.

The time of lab coats, lectures and deadlines that lead to really unhealthy working hours...

That's right, University is almost back!

And as much as I'm looking forward to having a little bit more structure to my weeks and maybe something to fill some of the void-like hours that have recently appeared in my days, I also don't really want to because it's never an easy transition from relaxed holiday mode to busier university lifestyle. It's like a hurricane and at the moment I'm in the eye of the storm.

It's quiet, too quiet. (Apart from, of course, the neighbour's rooster which is in a competition with another neighbour’s rooster on the other side of us and their squealing pigs, which, in all seriousness, is a noise worse than listening to fingernails on a blackboard!)

But maybe the change is good; currently, the biggest excitement in my day consists of almost choking on a really awesome brownie salted caramel slice I made yesterday and watching what felt like way too much YouTube whilst knitting so much that I gave myself a blister. The thrill is unimaginable!

And there goes my timer, 30 minute of my day, shared freely on my blog because the post I intended to put up is on hold AGAIN.
All because they changed the setting on my favourite photo editor and I can no longer make text bigger than a certain size and that has left me fighting with two other editors, one of which required access through the university that I'm just about to unenroll from. The excitement is real!!


My hope is that your day is filled with far more interesting things than mine. I’d love to hear if you’ve done anything more thrilling than me in the comments below.



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  1. 30 minutes of vacuuming one thing! That's what I call will power! Iga www.igaberry.com


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