So my birthday is coming up soon, (actually now I think about it,
really soon!) which means that it's time for the annoying 'what do you want for
your birthday?' questions, from everyone you hold dear.
Gone are the days where your birthday came
and you were surprise with the lovely collection of gifts. Now days, you have to come up with your own ideas. You can't just say 'nothing' because then people will do one of two things;
1. Take you seriously
2. Get super dooper frustrated with you and then wait for you to actually come up with something.
My go to answer is a KitchenAid because it's true. I would love a KitchenAid but they tend to be a bit out of peoples' price range.
That usually is enough for people to either come up with their own idea or realise I'm not going to be as helpful as they hoped because I don't really want any physical 'stuff'.
Which gets me too my point for