What I did on April 1st

April 01, 2016

So usually Friday's post is filled with the favourites from my wardrobe. Or and adventure to a (not so far off) far off land. Or both.

But today, I'm going to do something different. Today is the 1st of April and I was feeling a little mischievous.
So instead,

I'm going to make dinner!

With a little twist...

Ok, technically its dessert, (I got the idea from here)
But it sure LOOKS like dinner.

Because I am so proud of these bad boys, I'm going to share the recipe and instructions with you.

Firstly you'll need to make the cupcakes (in case you couldn't tell, the base of this is actually some cupcakes). They are just a simple vanilla cupcake. You can use any recipe you like, I like this one from my cupcakes recipe book.
For those you'll need;
115g butter
115g caster sugar
2 eggs
115g self-raising flour
2 tbl milk
1 tsp vanilla

Preheat oven to 180˚C and lining a 12 hole muffin tray with white paper case, or if you have some silicone moulds they'll work even better when it comes to plating.
In a medium bowl beat butter and sugar together until pale and light. Then one at a time, beat in eggs.
Add flour and fold in gently. Then stir in milk and vanilla.
Spoon large tablespoons of mixture into cases and bake for 15-17 minutes until risen and cupcakes are springy to touch.
Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely before we begin decorating.

While the cupcakes are cooling we can get the icing and decorations prepared.
To decorate you'll need;
100g butter
200g icing sugar
about 2 tsp - 1 tbl milk
a splash of vanilla
about 1/2 tsp of cocoa powder
1 drop of yellow food colouring
12 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, unwrapped
Strawberry jam
White chocolate, grated, for decorating

Giving instructions for icing is hard. Even when I follow a recipe I still find myself adding a little more of this and that to make it perfect and just mine. I've given some approximates for what I used but it's really up to you.
You need to make a butter cream, enough to ice the cakes and have at least 1/3 left for the pasta.
The icing needs to be coloured a little so it looks more like pasta. Adding a little cocoa powder gives a wheat like effect to the icing and a little yellow (no more than a drop) gives a better pasta-like colour.
My buttercream this time had more milk than usual and was slightly lighter in colour than the more buttery ones which is why I needed the yellow. It is really down to you and what you think looks right. But remember, less is more!

One the icing is the perfect colour and your cupcakes completely cool it's time to ice!
Start by icing each cupcake and arranging in a tight formation on your plate.
Now is the fun part!
Using a piping bag with a fine round nozzle begin piping the icing all over the cupcakes, letting some fall over and some drag between the cakes so they all look as if they're joined by long strands of spaghetti.
Basically keep piling until all the icing is used up and you have a nice messy coverage of pasta! Don't worry if to falls over the edges.
Then in a small bowl place chocolates and cover with some of the strawberry jam. Place a 'meatball' on each cupcakes and spoon and left over jam on top.
Finish with a sprinkling of white chocolate as parmesan and you're done!
Cute and a little cheeky.
Would they trick anyone you know?
Happy Baking!



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